Garage Door Repair Evanston

With more than 20 years of experience in the area, we are the premiere source of garage door repair solutions when it comes to Evanston. This is because we have become known for not only the quality services that we provide but also the ability to provide emergency services along with 24 hour response rates.

Garage door function in many more ways than you realize. Not only do they provide you with security through new automated security features, but also add aesthetic value to the overall look of your home. The garage door is especially important in the winter months when your car requires warmth. This means you don’t have to spend all that time scraping ice off your windows in the mornings before work.

We know that expertise is more than half the battle, and to make sure you only receive 100%, we make sure to invest in only the best tools and equipment available in the market. This means that your garage door will be durable over the years.

Not only do our professionals have accurate training, but also the keen eye to understand their design and architectural functions. Our large variety of stock options ensures that we have all kinds of designs in stock. Whether you’re looking for a solution from scratch or are looking to match preexisting exteriors, we have you covered.

Garage Door Spring Repair

The springs on the garage door are tricky little parts and require replacement on a regular basis. Springs are responsible for maintaining the balance of the garage door and should be observed for the proper functioning of the system.

The life of a spring is limited to a particular number of cycles. When the cycles have been consumed, they are in jeopardy of being broken. A cycle refers to the opening and closing motion of the entire door. Since it may be impossible to calculate the total number of cycles consumed, it’s best to change springs regularly.

One popular belief when it comes to springs is that people can fix them on their own. The importance of getting professional help for this task cannot be stressed enough. Fixing a spring without prior experience and proper tools and implements may actually result in an injury or death. This is why you should never attempt to do this on your own.

Garage Door Opener Repair

The garage door opener is what provides you with the convenience of remotely opening the door with ease. It helps lift up the door remotely and contains circuit boards which may lose functionality over the years.

The circuit boards contained within the garage door opener have become much more complex since their inception in the 1940s. In fact, they even come equipped with additional high security systems. The problems that may arise with a garage door opener include interference from other frequencies, faulty gears or problems in transmission.